I found this Google Earth flight path representation of Air France Flight 447.

My wife is a Flight Attendant & I had a "start-up career deviation" in aviation, so I'm a biased source.
overlay of a weather map at the time of the crash
I'm not going to comment on this one, other than to offer my condolences to the crew & passenger families - and recognize that "aviation people" are some of the best folk I have ever met & had the pleasure to work with....If you seek more info - View article...
As far as Twitter is concerned, I still consider myself a "well-informed Luddite". With that said, from those that know, below is a visual mapping juxtaposing Twitter's presence reach to it's branching future. Full links describe both.Per Flowing Data, " ... The below flow chart from Steve Rubel shows Twitter's possible future while the above from Brian Solis and Jess3 shows all the spawns of Twitter data.,...". I've just "halved" the images for easy display. Welcome to the TwitterVerse? Perhaps .....
From Sense Networks at the the O'Reilly Where '09 conference - the data driven analysis to incorporate the variety of social interactions and activities in a certain locale - as they vary by "time of day" and "day of week" dimensions - made this a really fascinating presentation.
Full credits to Sense Networks CEO:
" Mr. Skibiski is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sense Networks. He is responsible for the company’s overall strategic vision in the financial and consumer services markets...."
Full credits to O'Reilly where 2.0:" Now in its fifth year, the Where 2.0 Conference is where the grassroots and leading edge developers building location aware technology intersect with the businesses and entrepreneurs seeking out location apps, platforms, and hardware to gain a competitive edge. In the O'Reilly conference tradition, Where 2.0 presents leading trends rather than chasing them...."