For the detailed description - I have shamelessly 'cut and paste' the caption below. I contacted the Director Josh and I highly recommend you check out their website at: www.AbovInc.com
Description: from the Stuart Black Collection of AbovInc at http://abovinc.com/stuart_black/malsapina.html
Malsapina Glacier is a classic fan-shaped outlet glacier fringed by a coastal plain. The glacier is about 65 km wide at its lowest point and just 25m above sea level. It covers over 3,800 km_ of southeast Alaska near the international border with Canada.
The image was created using thermal measurements of the surface and illustrates that even during the summer months the relative temperature of the sea is higher than the land, resulting in the RED color of the sea. The extensive ice fields appear BLUE and the rougher, debris-filled edges of the glacier GREEN.

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